Thursday, November 4, 2010


I just want you to all know and understand how much I admire Miss Rachel Yates Wilde.

*She is by far one of the, if not THE, strongest person I know.

*She is handed things, I cannot even imagine, and handles them with grace.

*She is freaking

*She always listens and understands.

*She has her own opinions about everything, and she sticks to them.

*She never judges me too harshly.

*She tells me when I am being a dumb ass. Which, lets face it, is often.

*She makes my workdays seem shorter and bearable.

*She has seen me at my worst and at my best, and she loves me either way.

*She understands a lot of things that many other people don't even have an idea about, she will know what this means.

*She won't judge me that this is in bulleted list.

*She has a huge heart.

*She LOVES animals, and is a great mom to an awesome dog.

*She has an amazing husband. (Check out his royal hotness here)

*She has one of the best cousins ever... at least i wish i could be up in that cousin combo. Thankfully, I just get to be a side lover to them both. Nothin wrong with a little cousin lovin.

*She is talented.

*She can rock any song given to her, really, try it. Girls got some chords... of the vocal style.

*I never knew her mom, but I wish that I could have. To one thank her for creating one of my very best friends. Two, because if Rachel is anything like her mom at all, I want to know that person, I want to have been in that light, even if just for a moment.

*When things seem too hard to move or breath, she breaths and moves. And is constantly reminding me, through her example, that nothing is unbearable.

*She gives me faith when I have little of it for myself.

These are just a few reasons. But I really do love her.

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