Monday, January 31, 2011

Some Thoughts

I am sorry about my non-cohesive blogs as of late, but I feel as though they will keep happening for a while. I have had many a thought lately, and they all seem to want to come out in a giant brain-dump. So here goes.

1. This thought, or series of thoughts mostly comes from one place, and I have had so many dreams about this in the past week, I feel I need to find an outlet somewhere, so here is as good of place as any. There is exactly one thing that frustrates me more than anything in a friendship, and that is when someone breaks my trust. I do not generally care about the decisions you make, wait, that is wrong. I do care about the decisions you make, I want you to be happy. I want you to find peace. I want you to find joy. I want you to find love. I want you to be loved. However, I will be there to listen, to want to know about your life, I will want to lend a shoulder when things go wrong. But what frustrates me is when you cannot even be honest with me, or yourself for that matter. There is something definitely wrong when you have to tell mutual friends to keep others in the dark, especially when those friends have been there for you at your lowest. Once I somehow downloaded this giant virus onto my parents computer. I tried so hard to get it fixed before they came home, and even after they did, I wanted to pretend like nothing happened. My dad came into my room that night and asked me what had happened, and said to keep in mind that the biggest ally I had was his trust. In that instant I started bawling, not because I was afraid to get into trouble or because of what I had done, but because I had broken the trust with my dad. It is the MOST important factor we have in a relationship with someone else. Everything is based on that one simple fact. All I am trying to demonstrate here, albeit in a very passive-aggressive manner, but you probably don't read this anyway.

2. I guess this is also directed at a couple of specific people. I am glad you are happy together, I am glad you somehow are able to make each other better, or at least, I hope you do. However, I do not, will not, get sucked into your drama again. I will not go back to the place I once was, especially the place and person I was when I was with you. Because I was never fully myself, I was afraid to be who I was. You never respected me enough to let me be that person, to achieve the potential I had. I guess all of that is beside the point, or at least it is a sidenote. Mostly, I want you to understand that I am not the same person I was, and I hope you are not either. I hope that you really are happy. I hope that you can be a better person. I wish you the best of luck with things, but I am past the point of wanting to become a participant in your life. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to know how you were, or that sometimes the fact that I know nothing of your current life is so utterly strange and foreign to me that it almost feels like there is a hole. But we both know that it is for our own good. My own good. Maybe one day, years from now we will be able to say something to each other, but not now. You've burned that bridge too many times. Is that selfish? Perhaps a little, but everything inside me tells me no. And for once when it comes to you, I am going to listen.

Those might not have been the two best thoughts to throw together in the same post, but they are completely separate thoughts, and different people at that. Sometimes we have people in our lives who are toxic, the latter is dedicated to that person. I still want a relationship with the first, it is just frustrating to watch someone self destruct, and to push you away while doing it. Hopefully, these things make sense.

Thanks for listening.

One day soon, I will post happier thoughts.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy Little Kittens

I love my kittens. Agie Kitti and Addy Catti.

I wish you had friends like them to make days better and brighter.

Yay for date weekend 2011.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I need to be better at blogging. I've kinda slacked it up, maybe that is what an appendix does, its the blogging organ.. I have been thinking about many things the last few days, so I feel like this blog is going to mostly be a brain dump.

I really, truly, wish that I could express my gratitude and my love for the people in my life lately. I am so very lucky to have so many people who love me, support me, pray for me, etc. I mean, I know I am loved... but feeling it all at once is so beautifully overwhelming. Thank you. I wish I had less cliche words for what I wish to say, but I do not. Please take that knowing I am 125% sincere.

Somewhere between being five and ten I learned the word, etc., and since that day I have been spelling it, ect. I do not know why.

Also, why is the saying half-assed? Seriously. Why? Can someone please explain that to me. For 17 years of my life I thought it was half-asked, which made sense to me. In my head it was when someone asked you to do something, but you only fulfill that request halfway. Half-asked. Once, on a sunny Sunday in the Beaverton 1st ward, I decided to use this phrase for the first time in my life. It resulted in my lovely Mom slapping her hand over my mouth and dragging me to the car. I still feel like I was unrighteously accused. No one taught me this phrase and what it meant, it is not my fault I misunderstood. I sort of still feel like a four-year old child who got caught eating her lollipop after falling in the grass. A bit shamed. A bit dirty.

A friend of mine recently posted something to the effect of, "liking music is juvenile." Dear Friend, You are entitled to your opinion. However, I disagree with all my heart. I cannot count the number of times in my life when music has been the only thing to make sense, the place where I can find words to express thoughts and feelings I am too inadequate to express. Yes, I know I do hide behind my music like a child behind the skirts of her mother, but it has rarely let me down. It edifies me. Nothing will change that.

Speaking of new music... The Decemberists have a new album out today. Go buy it. Or at least listen to it. The King Is Dead.

I am a really big nerd. While I was in bed for the past little bit here are the things I watched:
1) Zombie movies/ The Walking Dead
2) Firefly and Serenity
3) Battlestar Galactica (I know. You can judge me. Its fine.)
4) Barbra Streisand movie or two
5) Easy A
and I am going through Despicable Me withdrawals.

I got a new calling. I am the ward bulletiness. I like it.

Recently, the Heavenly Father and I have been talking. A lot. I like it more.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


This may be a dumb question, but I need a little help from you blogging experts.

Does anyone know how to set it up so that when you edit a post, it doesn't show up as a new post, but remains in its little place and date?

Is that possible?

I am Ridiculous

It is 3:00 am and I am still awake. Why? I have no idea... though, I feel like it has something to do with the fact that I had a headache tonight. Instead of taking aspirin, or some other form of headache medication, on top of my current pain medication, I decided to drink a soda... for the first time in probably two weeks. Apparently, caffeine is doing wonders and keeping me awake. I am not really sure why I did this to myself. I feel like it was a bit of sabotage. I am so sorry myself. I honestly didn't mean to hurt us.

What have I done with my sleepless hours? Well a few things. One, I picked a new background for my blog. Two, decided I did not love the new background for my blog. Three, tried to remake my old background. Four, failed. Five, changed it just a little bit. Six, picked off most of my Steri-Strips... Sorry, Dr. Munford. I seriously could not handle them anymore. They were itchy. They were dirty. They pulled awkwardly at my skin. Finally, I am pretty sure they were giving me a rash... maybe I should have led with that fact. 

I need to be better at blogging. I thought doing the 30 Days of Truth thing would help me to accomplish this fact. Guess what? It made me not want to blog. I got bored, tired of questions that I felt ridiculous answering. Everything felt forced, and it was a feeling that I did not appreciate. I have seen some other 30 days of _______ and I might look into doing something similar in the future. However, I will be much more selective in the choosing of said monthly themes. 

Also, how do I know I am a nerd? Well... At Wal*Mart the other day, and I may have used a Firefly swear word. Being sentenced to bed rest with the entire season of Firefly will do that to you I suppose. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Housemates

I just really need to publicly say how grateful I am for my housemates, Chelsey, Lynsie, and Mindy.

They have been so amazing these past few days, and I really never expected anything less. (I just mean it isn't really a surprise.) But they are constantly helping me to do things, listening to me talk and talk and talk, entertaining me, hugging me, cooking me delicious food, bringing home some Jello... the list goes on.

I just watched Chelsey do my laundry and then she and Mindy made my bed. I cannot begin to tell you how hard it was for me to just watch all of this happen. I feel bad not being able to do it myself, but at the same time, I am so very grateful for their help. I have no idea what I would do without them.

I cannot even open my Lortab bottle without their help. Seriously.

Lynsie had to open a banana for me today.

I am not trying to tell you how much of a baby I am, or all about my patheticness, I just want you to understand what they are dealing with. And they do it with a smile, and tell me they love me even. They are just wonderful. And I am very very very very lucky.

I love you Chels! I love you Lyns! I love you Mindy!

I cannot say thank you enough. but thank you.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Appendix Blessings

Apparently, I do not sleep for long periods of time after surgery. Its like 6:00 am, and I have been awake since 5:30, so weird. But I am feeling pretty good right now. I want to write somethings down so I can remember them. If this is spastic and random, remember the words, lortab.

1. Sometimes, and by sometimes I mean all the time, Heavenly Father works in really strange, and by strange I mean ridiculously awesome, ways. Example: I couldn't distinguish my pain at 4 am on New Years Day, but after a blessing that said, "You will know what to do" and, "cast your burdens on the Lord and He will provide a way", I felt a very distinct pain and it was clear that I needed to go to the hospital.

2. I am super blessed that I have housemates that I can wake up in the middle of the night to call some dear friends to rush over to give me a blessing. Even if they are super confused at first, they will always come through.

3. My parents are amazing. Even from a thousand miles away, they find ways to give me peace and comfort.

4. My friends are soooooo amazing. Even now I am pretty teary thinking of how much love I can feel from all the people in my life. It is so overwhelmingly wonderful. I know that probably sounds cheesey, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

5. Chelsey- Thank you for hardly leaving my side through this whole thing, for sacrificing hours of sleep, for unplugging my iv in the middle of the night so I could go to the bathroom, for laughing with me about "drug snuggling", and so many other things.

6. Lynsie- Thank you for hardly leaving my side. Thank you for smuggling in clean underwear to the hospital and for all the hugs and hand holding. And Zombie-brain soup. And so many other things. You are so wonderful.

7.  Sheena- Thank you for coming to the hospital and sitting with me all day, when you were not feeling too amazing yourself. Thank you for your hugs and for telling me things were okay so  many times.

8. Trent- I love you. Thank you for being a call or text away. I know you would have been here if you could have, and that means the world to me. And I love you sooooo very much. I don't know what I would do without you.

9. Wyett- Thank you for coming to the hospital to give me a blessing. I cannot begin to describe the marvelous blessings and peace and comfort I was able to have because of that blessing.

10. Jake- You are an amazing human. THank you for checking on me so often.

11. Ag and Ad, sorry you get to share a number, but thank you for all your visits and stories and laughter and your general freaking awesomeness. I love you both dearly.

12. Denice- I am so thankful your parents and sister and niece and nephew would drive up from Huricine to check on me and make sure I was okay. Thank you. A million times Thank you. *this one is also for your family.

13. Courtney- You have been a doll. Seriously. Thank you for sending your momma and Rick to the hospital. For the beautiful flowers, magazines, and treats. Thank you for checking on me all the time.

14. Rachel- Thank you for your calm easiness. Just talking to you a little bit yesterday helped me to feel like it wasn't a huge deal, and that everything was fine.

15. Aaron- Thank you for being my only-a-call-away-unclenurse. I love you. (and yes unclenurse is a word I just made up.)

16. Mindy- thank you for also being calm, and over-excited to talk about my procedure and for helping me to see its not a big thing, and making me go to bed when I need to, and helping me around the house. And for new Appendix. (An adorable stuffed unicorn made by your two little hands.)

17. I wish I could thank everyone who has helped me or prayed for me or sent love my way by name. But I seriously am not able to because there are so many. I am very loved. And more than that, I am grateful.

18. Holly- Thanks for being my OR nurse and my friend. I am glad you could see my balloon stomach and my guts.

19. Heavenly Father- Thank you for carrying me through this entire situation. For your outpouring of love. For all of the many wonderful blessings and miracles I have been able to experience throughout this process. Thank you for the testimony builders. For helping everything to come through okay. For helping me to be able to sleep on my back, rather than my stomach. Thank you for allowing me to have such strong ties to my family and friends. Thank you for letting me feel their love and prayers. Thank you for a myriad of other things.

20. Grandpa- Thank you for being there to hold my hand.

21. The scirpture, "They that be with us are more than they that be with them" keeps going through my head. And I am so grateful for it. I know without a doubt that I have been surrounded by loved ones, both in this world and the other, and I am grateful.

22. Mary- thanks for bringing your babies over. and for your hugs.

23. Mike- thanks for waking up in the middle of the night to come and give me a blessing with Jake. You rock. Literally.

24. Derek, I just love you.

25. Jo, thank you for worrying about me and yelling at me for worrying you.

Ugh. Really, I just want to say thank you to everyone. Maybe in a while I will post the story, but lists are shorter and faster.

I love you all.


Thank you.
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