Monday, April 25, 2011

Annie Gardner.

I just felt the need to write a blog, so here I am to write one.

One small problem though... I have NO idea what to write it on.

So I asked annie gardner.

And she said, Write it about me.

She is currently facebooking/indexing/ talking about beau shakespear, apparently that kid is the bees knees.

Anyway, here are some things I like about AGie kit.

1. Her sexy pants.
2. She purrs when you pet her under her chin.
3. She makes ham fried rice, sans raw onions.
4. She was so kind to me earlier and interrupted her indexing to put away my soup dish. that is love.

and on her birthday I took this picture:

prech. right?

also, the fact that you lie to me is not the corner of our friendship agie, it is just the part that i like, because everyday is an adventure. And i don't count them as lies so much as I do flash fictions of your/our life.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

L-O-L-A Lola

When I was really small my dad and I went on a road trip. Part of me wants to say that we were headed to California to my great grandpa's funeral, or maybe we were on the same trip where I would see the ocean for the first time. Who knows, maybe all of that was even in the same trip, I guess the reasons why are irrelevant. But there we were, driving down the freeway in the middle of the night, he was in the driver's seat and I was riding shotgun. He must have had his tape of 'Lola Versus Powerman and the Moneyground Part One' by The Kinks, or maybe it came on the radio. Either way, he meticulously taught me every single word to 'Lola'.

I remember singing my little heart out while I watched semi-trucks passed to the steady strum of a steel guitar. It is the first time I can really remember loving a song, loving the feeling of singing at the top of my lungs in a car. Anyway, I love this song. I love that this is the first song I can remember loving, and I love that the memory tied to it is singing at the top of my lungs with my dad.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Some Catchy Song Lyric Here.

I have just spent the better part of an hour attempting to find the perfect song to suddenly hint at for the title of this blog, and for some reason I cannot find it. I can find about 32 that almost have it, so rather than some neat semi-reference to some awesomeness, you get a half-assed (yeah, I said it right, two points for me.) attempt. 

Here are some things that make me super happy as of late:

1. Listening to vinyl. Seriously, the best thing in the world.
2. Listening to the rain beat down on the carport outside my window, its lovely.
3. The smell of the rain creeping through my windows.
4. The weekend I spent with Trent, here are a few highlights:
  • Doing the thing.
  • Being read Tina Fey in bed.
  • Car dancing.
  • Attempting to pull him up from the floor and carrying him up the stairs to bed.
  • Road tripping.
  • Writing get out of work free notes.
  • Sitting in a comfortable silence.
  • Dancing in the kitchen.
  • Pretty much the entire weekend... It was pretty much way more fun than our senior year spring break failure of 08. At the very least, it was a lot more mentally healthy.
5. Talking to Rachie more. I love love LOVE her. and I am sooo glad that we are texting and calling each other more frequently.
6. All the test writers.
7. The kittens.
8. Dreaming in languages that I do not know.
9. Laying on my bed talking about really nerdy things, whilst trying to figure out why Chelsey is sending faxes at 2 am, and then laughing so hard I start squeaking. (This really happens. Ask Mary and Trent, it happened the night of Weezer too.)

There are more things. But I am quite content in my little life right now. 

I am soooooooooo very excited for this next weekend too. I am going up north and I can hug the crap out of Rach, and probably Brandon, and I can meet their new family addition, Frankie. I can spend more time with the Trent. It is going to be the besteset. And................. lets be honest, I am excited to see Adam. 

This is a complete sidenote, but I get really excited when Brandon comments on my blog, it makes me feel like I have said something neat. So, here is a random shout out to a dear friend. :]

One more thing I like lately:
Half sitting, half standing, in my chair at work, eyes closed, music up loud, mouthing the words to some awesome song with all my heart. (There is probably a bit more dancing involved here too...)

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