Friday, November 5, 2010

A Find

I was talking to Wyett today. He showed me an article on someone's blog, and I am absolutely in love with it. When I got back to my computer I found that Trent sent it to me as well, so it means it is neat.

In school, I studied about gender. Specifically, homosexuality. I still study it. I love learning about gender. I love learning about sexuality too, and the social effects it has. I do not mean to get into any political debates, or moral issues, what have you. But I do think that there is a very important message here, so I am sharing it. I have many many questions, and very little answers. I continue to study and be fascinated by this topic. Gender is a strange animal. And we are strange with it. All of that aside, I just think ultimately we all need to practice a much more love and a ton less judgement, but that is just my opinion. (I am trying to work on this myself, I promise.)

Without further introduction here is the link, but please take the time to read it: My Son is Gay

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