Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Sometimes... when I am at work mostly, I want to stand on my chair and sing at the tops of my lungs. Mostly because I am in the singing mood.

It is happening right now.


  1. Too bad you're not in the "writing a blog that's longer than three sentences long" mood.

  2. if I could like mindy's comment, I would. But I do love picturing you pulling a celine at work. you should try it. ok now my comment is longer than your blog. And you know what? That is alright with me because I love you and you deserve a longass comment. That was one word, so it wasn't swearing because my mom taught me to say nice words only. I would love to be in the nape of your neck later today. ft ft ft.

  3. I cannot describe how much I love both of you.

    Anne, please come live in the nap of my neck. :D creep smile. there needs to be an actual creep smile emotocon.

    Why hasn't that happened?

    Look mindy, my comment is now longer than my blog too.

    eat it.

    and love it.

  4. that is what my life is like EVERY DAY. I am not even kidding a little bit.


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