Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day Sixteen

Something I could live without.


Seriously, it is not my favorite thing. I have come to the point in my life where I can tolerate if it is in something, but I prefer if there are things with it... to flush out the flavor.

Actually, that might be a little bit of a lie.

I don't really know if it is the flavor so much as it is the texture, the smell, the idea (fried strips of pig fat?!), and the way it looks. Some bacon looks uneatable. Like the kind at any fast food restaurant. It looks like plastic.

All I am trying to say is that, if we go out to eat and there is bacon on my whatever, I will get it on the side, and I will give it to you. Because chances are, you think bacon is delicious.

I have had to make many of these throughout the years in helping my dad. Your hands smell like bacon for days.

See? Why do things like this actually exist?

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