Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The First Day

My dear dear housemate Mindy has started a 30 day blog fest of honesty and goodness... So naturally, I am stealing her idea. Here is the first day:

Something I hate about myself.

First of all let me just say how much I dislike this particular thing, admitting the things I completely and utterly dislike about myself. But in the name of honesty and truth, I will.

1. I am writer who doesn't write. Easy fix? Yes... kind of.

2. I cannot wrap a present for the life of me. Nor to save a birthday or christmas or any other special event. Seriously, it is a physical impossibility.

And this isn't even the worst one... it may be one of the better ones. You don't even get the full effect because you can't see the ridiculous wrinkles, edges, and lumps. Seriously. Lumps.

3. I pee. A lot. Especially at night. Wait, that sounds like I wet the bed. I do not do that. But I do have to get up and use the bathroom at least once a night. My bladder is the size of a pee.

4. I have no circulation, therefore, I am always freezing.

5. Apparently, once again according to Chelsey, I have tourettes when I don't eat. I also get real grumpy.

6. It is 12:38 and I am still awake.

That is it for tonight. Peace out kids.


  1. How am I JUST finding out about this blog now? We are having a virtual fight.

    ... I can't wrap presents either.

  2. Does that mean we can have a virtual make up?

    Also, do you know who can wrap presents and who is kinda a douche about it?



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