Sunday, June 5, 2011


I have a ton of things to update you all on. I wish I had pictures for these things, but alas.

Three weekends ago I went camping with Jo and Trevor, and Jo's family in Zions. I had a blast. I was especially grateful to get to know Jo's sister Andrea a bit better. I love trevor and jo too, they are like the best.

I am now a triathlete. No, you did not just read that wrong. I am, in fact, a triathlete. Last weekend, May 28, I participated in a triathlon put on by my dear, dear housemate Chelsey's family, the Greenwood Triathlon. I am glad I did it, mostly I am glad I felt budom-ed into doing it. People keep asking me what my time was, when I tell them, they say something to the effect of, "Don't feel bad..." Guess what people, I do not. I do NOT. I did a freaking triathlon, probably in worse shape then I have been in in my life. And I finished it. You and your, don't worry about your time comments can stick it. Please and thank you.
I spent the rest of the weekend with a bunch of other people whom I love dearly. Mindy, Trent, Rachel, Brandon, and Adam. Seriously, some of the best people in the world. Saturday night, we had a bbq at Craig's and then a stellar dance party at the Gaybors, who are also fantastic. Sunday Trent and I spent a lot of time talking, which was nice. Then we went to his family party, where we were joined by Adam, then it was off to a movie with Rach, Brandon, and Denice. Overall, good times. Monday, we went to lunch, then Trent and I went to the Janelle Monae concert, it was super wonderful. All of it.

I love the people I have in my life. Just so you know.

This weekend I decided to make no plans. I feel like I have consistently been busy for the past month, and while I would not have given up anything I have been doing, I am super grateful for the chance to just relax and not have to be somewhere. I have slept in, caught up on chores, bummed around, and have loved every moment of it. 

This was a very boring blog.

Sorry about your expectations shattering. 

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