Thursday, January 13, 2011

I am Ridiculous

It is 3:00 am and I am still awake. Why? I have no idea... though, I feel like it has something to do with the fact that I had a headache tonight. Instead of taking aspirin, or some other form of headache medication, on top of my current pain medication, I decided to drink a soda... for the first time in probably two weeks. Apparently, caffeine is doing wonders and keeping me awake. I am not really sure why I did this to myself. I feel like it was a bit of sabotage. I am so sorry myself. I honestly didn't mean to hurt us.

What have I done with my sleepless hours? Well a few things. One, I picked a new background for my blog. Two, decided I did not love the new background for my blog. Three, tried to remake my old background. Four, failed. Five, changed it just a little bit. Six, picked off most of my Steri-Strips... Sorry, Dr. Munford. I seriously could not handle them anymore. They were itchy. They were dirty. They pulled awkwardly at my skin. Finally, I am pretty sure they were giving me a rash... maybe I should have led with that fact. 

I need to be better at blogging. I thought doing the 30 Days of Truth thing would help me to accomplish this fact. Guess what? It made me not want to blog. I got bored, tired of questions that I felt ridiculous answering. Everything felt forced, and it was a feeling that I did not appreciate. I have seen some other 30 days of _______ and I might look into doing something similar in the future. However, I will be much more selective in the choosing of said monthly themes. 

Also, how do I know I am a nerd? Well... At Wal*Mart the other day, and I may have used a Firefly swear word. Being sentenced to bed rest with the entire season of Firefly will do that to you I suppose. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I love Firefly.. Not as big a nerd as you are, but still. And yes, I'm just now attempting to catch up on your blog, mmkay? Sheesh! (and by that, I mean I love you)


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