This last month has been a bit crazy, but then again, when is my life not like that? Though, can I say how blessed I am? Because I am. All the time. Every minute of every day. Let's start at the beginning, ish.
Remember when I said all my housemates moved up to Salt Lake to new and better things? That was about two months ago. Somehow it doesn't seem that long ago and I am the one living it. I guess Lynsie did only move out about a month ago. (Holy crap! I just realized, as I am typing this, that it has been a month since I got to go home to Portland... And I have forgot, completely, to write about all of it. I will get to it, I promise.) Anyhow, for the past two months I have been praying my little heart out about getting housemates, because there is no way that I could afford to live in my house by myself, to my great surprise, nothing really happened. I kept getting the feeling that I needed to stay in my current ward, which caused me much frustration. Not because I wanted to move, but because I had no earthly idea how I would be able to stay if I wasn't getting housemates. Call it a lack of faith, but I was frustrated... I couldn't figure out how it would all fit together.
This is where it gets a bit jumnbly, so stay with me. If i lose you, sorry.
My landlord was so amazing and kind. He offered to let me stay on an extra month, just to see if I could find anyone. We enlisted the help of his realtor and I was positive we would find someone. Two and a half weeks went by, and I had not a single call, people who I had thought were going to move in backed out. I had nothing. I had to figure something out, and quick. I put my application in on an apartment; an apartment where I would live all by myself. No housemates. Just me. After a long series of events, I got the apartment, though it won't be ready until the 15th. Today is the 1st, for those of the you keeping score.
So what then? I had to be out of my apartment. I have a bucket load of stuff, no car, and no where to go. I panicked, ask Jill, Sheena, Rachel, and basically everyone else.
I talked to Wyett and asked if I could keep some things at LearnKey, he not only is letting me store some stuff there, but also offered me his garage to keep the bigger things. He is for real, the best ever. period.
Mary took me to the store to get boxes and storagey things, on the way there she offered to let me stay at her house until my apartment was ready. I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am for the kindness of her and The Coach (blair). They are so fantastically wonderful.
I had a place for me and my stuff to stay, then it was a matter of me actually getting things to the places they needed to be.
Mindy, and Adam happened to be coming down this weekend, for other reasons, but ended up helping me move most everything. These kids helped me get pretty much everything packed and moved. Adam was such an amazing, spectacular help. He managed to keep me calm and was there to do whatever I needed help with. I seriously love that boy.
Did I mention that this whole week I was absolutely exhausted and sweet, wonderful, dear, dear Sheena basically toted my lazy, tired bum to and from work all week? She did. She is amazing. For more than just that. Be aware. She also gives me moral support on a daily basis, you know to attempt to keep me sane. I feel for her most days... I am difficult.
I had a great hometeacher who showed up yesterday, with his truck and some friends. They helped me and Beau get things moved over to Wyett's garage. Beau. He is also owed a million thanks. (I think I owe all these people my first born... I better have a litter.
I guess what I am trying to say, is thank you everyone. You are all so amazing to me. I have no idea how I would live my life without you, nor do I know how to thank any of you properly for letting me put you out so much these last couple of weeks.